Our Activities

Old People

Old Age For starters, the foundation will run a small nursery home for about twenty men and ten women. They will be served two meals a day, and will have beds day and night. They will also receive medical treatment. (See below). This is solely for the elderly poor. Jobs will be created by attending to this group of elderly people. The Bhatra foundation will employ a cook, two assistant cooks and an all-round general worker. Besides, two nurses will work in three shifts, twenty-four hours. Then, the foundation will arrange for at least a two-bedroom self-contained house (with a kitchen and two toilets), with a room for men and another for women. First, the foundation will rent this facility. But later, the Khan Chowdury family will release a piece of land on which the foundation will construct a facility for forty people. The foundation is aware the demand for such accommodation could only increase.
