A warm welcome to Youth Help Bangladesh Foundation

Youth help Bangladesh foundation is for the youth and run by the youth. The primary objective is to help boys and girls finish school. A group of boys and girls do not go to school. Others do not finish school because of diverse reasons. One is child-marriage. The foundation seeks to supervise and sponsor such children.

The foundation seeks to also help elderly men and women. Since these elderly cannot work, they are dependent and needy. They also do not have a place in their own houses. Some of them are ejected and sent away. Abandoned, they face one choice only: death. Yet in most cases they live on choosing to beg as a distraction.

Health services do not exist in the whole surroundings of Bhatra (in a radius of 20km). No certified medical practitioners nor qualified nurses exist. Neither does a health post nor a pharmacy. Foundation Bhatra wish to see that change. It seeks to at least provide basic health care for all.

Ordinarily, it is difficult to create jobs in rural areas than in urban areas. This concerns especially women. They are often breadwinners. Many are in bad financial shape because of various reasons. Some of which are the sickness, handicap or even death of a spouse.

The foundation will set up a puffed rice project for this group. Ten to fifteen women can work on this project. The puffed rice is for the home market as well as for export. The foundation will work on a detailed project plan when the project begins. It will also begin other small projects in mustard oil and real butter.

This way the foundation can contribute to reduce unemployment, alleviate poverty and streamline urban migration.

NB: Youth help Bangladesh foundation cooperates with Bhatra Khan Chowdhury Dutch foundation in Bangladesh.